Here at TS Escorts Sex, we know that people’s general attitude towards the TS Escorts sex industry is awful. They are very set in their views about TS escort’s sex acts and are keen to “help save them” if they can… Meanwhile, TS escort’s sex workers only want “rights, not relief.” Then we get to the people who buy TS escort sex and find that the stigma is just as bad. If you are a customer of a TS Escorts sex worker, you are seen as misogynistic and violent. You believe that people don’t care who they meet with as long as TS escorts’ sex is on the agenda. It’s the kind of stuff we read daily and incredibly frustrating.
We’ve been saying for a long time that, no, that’s not the case and that there’s a lot more to TS escort’s sex work, the escort industry, and, indeed, the clients who buy TS escort sex than people think. Finally, there’s some support for this belief, as an independent academic study has found that contrary to popular “conceptions,” the vast majority of clients “do not fit the image of a violent, ruthless misogynist.” No, we’re not surprised, either.
But this is still great news for people who buy TS escort sex and for workers everywhere. Here at Escort Blog, we take a closer look at this study and how it brings us together and one step closer to destroying the stigma of TS escort sex work.
TS escorts sex buying ban theory
Last year, buying a TS escort’s sex became illegal in Northern Ireland, and now the Republic of Ireland is also debating buying a TS escort’s sex. If they decide to criminalize it, the country will join other countries such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and France.
The idea is popular and has been debated in many countries. The proposal was rejected in 2012 in Scotland, and in England, the issue was dropped before a vote could occur. These countries felt that customers would not make a difference to the TS escorts’ sex industry that people expect…But what exactly is the theory behind buying sex? Research conducted by Susan from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and Dirk from Queen’s University Belfast clearly shows that:
In both Irish jurisdictions, the ban on prostitution by TS escorts has been presented as a measure to reduce trafficking, and the logic is that if paying for TS escort sex is criminalized, the demand will be significantly reduced. If there are fewer TS escorts sex jobs, the market will be reduced considerably. Trafficking for sexual exploitation will also be substantially reduced.”
This belief is likely due to the lack of research in Ireland. We are told that “there is very little research on the TS escorts sex industry in Ireland” and that the research that does exist “focuses on the TS escorts sex industry.” Some seem to confuse the two and believe that “TS escorts’ sex work usually involves exploitation and coercion,”… and that’s just the stigma surrounding the workers and their work.
What about the customers?
Those who buy sex from TS escorts know what the stigma is. You will not be seen as someone simply looking for companionship. Instead, they are portrayed as “careless misogynists” or simply “sexual perverts”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read newspaper articles about clients of TS escort sex workers and been disgusted by their attitude. People genuinely seem to believe that those who seek escorts don’t want to make an effort that all they have to do is take a shower, shave, go to a bar, and be done with it.