The TS escorts industry has revolutionized adult entertainment and sex work in general, from how people make a living from it to how they consume content. Today, the industry continues to evolve, with technology and cam models as driving forces. We spoke to Chloe, an industry pioneer who has made a remarkable rise from the TS Escort Model to the Community Manager at TS Escorts. With over 19 years of experience, she brings an insider perspective full of insight and wisdom.
Dig into the transformational journey of the TS escort industry through the eyes of a real industry insider and explore the changes, advancements, and fascinating nuances that have shaped this dynamic field.
Tell us about your background. Who are you? When did you get into the TS escort industry? What roles have you played since then?
I’ve been in the TS escorts industry for over 15 years. I started as a chat moderator, but as time went on I felt burned out as a model. Still, my passion for the adult industry was unbroken and I didn’t want to change careers (and still don’t want to). For a while, I took on multiple roles at the same time, including streaming, translating, consulting, photography, and mentoring beginners. For the past 10 years, I have mainly focused on the community TS Escort. My team and I play a vital role as the “bridge” between the sites, models, studios, and users, ensuring smooth communication and continuous improvements of the platform.
How has the industry changed in the last few years? What is the biggest change you saw when you started in the TS escorts industry?
The industry has undergone a huge change, especially in modeling opportunities. 20 years ago, modeling activities were limited to chat rooms and a profile on a site (with a few photos and videos). But things have changed dramatically since then. Now, there are a lot of new tools and opportunities, including social networks, interactive toys, messaging platforms for paid TS escorts, and marketplaces selling various content even personal items like panties It’s amazing! How have
TS escorts impacted the industry
It has brought about some interesting changes that have had a major impact on TS escorts. During lockdown, streaming became a viable option for many. In addition, the TS escort model provided companionship and joy to people who felt lonely or depressed during this isolating time.
What do you think is the secret behind the year-on-year increase and popularity of TS escorts?
TS escorts have been coming out of the niche of “weird stuff for kinky nerds” for some time now. It has been captured in films, series, and magazine articles about TS escort models and their experiences. Many platforms are actively adopting the latest technology to ensure that TS escorts remain relevant and appeal to a diverse audience. This unstoppable process is likely to continue in the future.