Most people who search for porn tubes look for 4K quality videos and porn tubes because they are looking for visual stimulation – the easiest way to satisfy them. But do you watch your porn videos with sound, or do you just want to see girls cum in their eyes? Maybe you want to enjoy pornography? You are not alone, and there are porn tubes where you can even close your eyes to enjoy the sounds of sex for your pleasure – without any visual stimulation. The mainstream is all about hardcore with porn tube stars, weird scenes, big tits, and fake moans. On porn tube sites, you will also find unique pages with and since yesterday: audio porn. Yes, it is already “a thing.” I wonder what it is? Read on!
Audio tube porn Explained
Porn tubes altogether forgo the visual experience. Instead of high-resolution images, virtual reality, or videos, they focus on stimulating your mind with only sexy voices or sexual sounds. What you hear may be completely different. On some pages, you are told a sex story; on others, you are given instructions on how to get off or hear the sounds of orgasm. It’s like having a hot neighbor masturbating through the malfunctioning ventilation system – except she has a microphone next to her, so you can hear her much better as if she were standing in front of you. All you need is a pair of headphones and close your eyes to imagine what the girl in front of you might sound like.
Our audio library is still a bit small
But it should expand rapidly in the coming days and weeks. It may not reach the number of porn tube sites like our amateur place with 40+ sites, but we want to collect at least the best 10. If you know of any porn tube sites, feel free to contact us!