From a platform that was once only used to post photos and send occasional messages to friends, Adult Sex has completely changed in recent years, becoming a powerful platform that offers users many cool features and a wealth of opportunities. Those who want to make money from it. Currently, there are about 50 million content creators across different platforms and niches, including many adult content creators.
Working in the adult industry comes with some challenges, such as restrictions on explicit content. But don’t be discouraged. Despite these restrictions, there are still many creative ways to successfully use Adult Sex to build your brand, connect with your audience, and make money. If you want to make money in the adult sex space without violating the platform’s policies, you can use the following clever strategies:
You are the brand
It’s important to understand that you are a brand. You need to create a strong brand personality. The key is to be unique and original and to create an erotic feed that reflects your style and erotic sex.
No matter what your feed is—whether artistic, playful, provocative, or whatever—the most important thing is consistency. If you are consistent in your posts, your followers will recognize you among the hordes of content creators and appreciate your unique style.
Don’t forget to optimize your organic section as well. This will make you stand out from other searches. Add links to external platforms where you publish your content and add calls to action. This way, your followers can enjoy a comprehensive experience on platforms with more freedom and less strict guidelines regarding adult content.
Use adult sex as a promotional tool
Guidelines include the prohibition of direct links to adult platforms. However, you can circumvent this obstacle by using aggregation tools to safely direct your followers to platforms that publish adult content.
You can also make it easier for your followers to access external platforms by using adult sex stories and reels. Reels that contain adult sex and links to external platforms can pique your audience’s curiosity so that they always remain hungry for your content.
You don’t always have to fly alone
Find them and work together. Partnering with them can expose your brand and subscribers. For example, you can organize a live sex event together and promote each other.
As with other social media influencers, you can also do influencer marketing by collaborating with brands that are a good fit for your brand and audience. Think of every adult entertainment brand as an opportunity to reach a new audience, build a stronger connection with your current audience, and make money. Examples include adult toy companies or fashion brands that target your audience.
If you want to promote products from a specific brand, make sure to encourage them through your affiliate link.
Paying for your followers
Did you know that Adult Sex recently introduced a subscription feature? This is excellent news for you because you charge your followers a fee. Of course, explicit content is still prohibited, but no one has said anything about whether you can share behind-the-scenes footage, sessions, and unique content for paid members, etc.
You can create unique content that will only be available to paid subscribers. For example, you can design a series of posts or stories that offer advice, tips, and behind-the-scenes content and make them available only to your users. This way, you can increase your profits while providing added value to your fans in a more personal format.