I noticed that a well-known big tits adult blog published a very hurtful post about sex Adultguid. I looked into what happened and here is the story: there was a post about sex on an adult blog and she didn’t take too kindly to a comment titled “No doubt she’s hot”. Sex responded angrily to the post, leading to cam girl Ophelia Vile defending Sex, who also follows Sex fans. I think this issue was a total misunderstanding and should have been resolved in a civilized way. And as evolved humans, emails and tweets still function as chat. It happened to me, and I, the girls, have apologized when apologies are appropriate. But Adult Blog has made a very raunchy and childish comeback. Adult Blog ran an article referencing the incident and insulting the Adultguid to Sex when you are so attractive that you expect all men to prostrate themselves at your feet. “You are an average-sized model and I think my post was a good way to get that across. Plus, you have some fine birds there,” the adult blog said. Then Adultguid, who runs the adult blog with other writers, added: “I’ve seen your pictures, Ophelia. For real! And sex… well, thick skin. Some people don’t know if you’re hot or not and act like you’re a fat troll who just came out of the Adultguid fire in the Fort. The only place you’ve got thick skin is your thighs!! Adult blog accuses Sex Adultguid of “complaining” to hundreds of thousands of fans. However, the adult blog fails to state that its posts get over 1 million visitors a month. So Adult Blog plays the saint of revenge for having his name tarnished. Adult Blog later added tweets from Sex Adult Guide fans, calling them losers. I think Adult Blog’s post is disrespectful to Sex Adultguid, its fans, and its followers. He turned some of his blog readers against Sex and allowed them to post insults about her. Adult Blogs may be in the top three big boob blogs, but it’s not fair to insult people hiding behind a computer. This erotic blog mocks Sex Adultguid and to some extent the many models the blog owner expresses his opinions about. Let me remind everyone that attacking someone based on their appearance while hiding behind a computer is not a very adult thing to do.
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