Adult sex insemination is quite a sexual fantasy. Many don’t understand it, and few do, but most are curious enough to learn about it and experiment. So what is this? People who have sex with adults are attracted and excited by the idea of getting pregnant — of impregnating another person Whether a woman gets pregnant or not is not the business of adult sex. It’s all about the thrill, not the outcome.
In other words, don’t confuse adult sex with adult sex during pregnancy, because the latter focuses on the changes in the body during pregnancy, which may extend to the birth itself. Moreover, a woman who is already pregnant cannot have adult sex, because she cannot be pregnant with more than one child at a time.
The Psychology of Adult Sex
You may be wondering: what makes adult sex different from similar sexual acts such as doggy style, marking, and fellatio? It’s not as simple as unprotected sex. As for what makes you like it, the answer varies depending on who you like, but we’ve identified three main factors that most people can relate to.
Adult sex isn’t just about loving the feeling of having sperm inside you, it’s also about the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy happening. Taking risks is nothing new and it’s even more common than you might think. Even the most innocent people you know have had sex in a public toilet or sneaked in a vagina once or twice.
Of course, if you’re having adult sex but don’t want to get pregnant, it’s a good idea to always have contraception on hand. Some partners still choose hormone therapy or emergency contraception, as the exchange of bodily fluids is their primary concern.
While there may no longer be a significant risk of pregnancy, the risk of contracting a
Sexually transmitted disease still exists.
Sexual health has been thrown out the window. For them, sperm is too precious to waste, and they certainly wouldn’t waste it on a facial or a pearl necklace. Except for barrier methods such as condoms, which prevent sperm from coming into contact with the opening of the cervix, other methods of contraception are welcome. We recommend using the natural method of birth control your body provides. This is called the rhythm method, and it’s a way for women to track their menstrual cycles to know when they are most fertile. Having sex on a day when you’re not ovulating significantly, though not completely, reduces your chances of conception. Still, there are good reasons for this method. For starters, it saves you from acne, mood swings, and, of course, the expense of medication and surgery.