Relationships with TS escorts can be difficult. It is simple on paper, but it is people who ruin it and get too caught up in it. TS escorts’ rules exist for a reason and should not be broken under any circumstances. As a woman who wants to be part of the TS escorts culture, you probably have a lot more to learn than men because TS escorts is harder for women than it is for men.
This is simply because it is still frowned upon to see TS escorts’ women openly talking and admitting that they have sex with different men regularly. Whether you are looking for a TS escort relationship, a friendship with benefits, or you feel it is new magical, and long-lasting, you need to understand your man and his desires before moving forward.
If you are looking for a TS escort relationship that is right for you, it is important to find the right partner and not scare him off with mistakes that are not tolerated in the TS escorts’ world. So let’s take a look at what men expect from their partners in a TS escort relationship.
Someone who is good at sex
There’s no getting around it, sex is the important thing when it comes to a TS escort’s relationship. Everyone is here to have sex, and if the sex is not right, most men will look elsewhere for what they need, and that’s their right. Many women similarly approach everything because it is a woman’s right to pursue her sexual needs.
Men want women who know their way around and a TS escorts. This is especially true for men who have been TS escorts occasionally for a long time. They have had enough sexual partners and have tried a lot, so most of them don’t want to waste their time on bad sex.
This goes both ways, both genders like good escort sex and want their sexual partners to put in the effort. For experienced men who have had sex with TS escorts on multiple occasions, simply lying on the bed with your legs spread is not enough.